About This Blog

This blog is a journal of some topics I find interesting in the field of Interactive Design.  Besides allowing me to get some experience managing my own blog, it will also introduce me to some new ideas that I have not learned before.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Examples - Realsolution

I have found an article called Realsolutions where they talk about the latest design, illustration and animation work done by a company called Resolution. ''The recent V Australia 'Imagine'  TVC for droga5 and the Tooheys Extra Dry ( TED) 'Six Beers of Seperation' viral campaign for BMF" is something you should check out under Resolution


Statistical Information Design


Statistical Information Design


Definition Information design

Information design is a process of gathering, structuring and presenting information in an simple, sufficient and straight forward way.  for example: graphs, roadsigns, maps,  instructions and many others.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Examples - Winners and Losers

Hello again, i found another article on Web 2.0,  which rates different Web 2.0 sites. People have made lists of  sites they can and can't live without on Web 2.0.

If you are interested in reading more about it go to Web 2.0 Winners and Losers

Examples - Web Typography

I found more interesting information on Web Typography.
This article I found on the Smashing magazine website talks about a few principles on how to improve your website. For example by adding breadcrumb navigation so that users can find their away around more easily and quickly. Also they talk about Twitter Tools, Photography  and Freebies that are available for free download.
Having read this article gave me a much better idea about the complexity of web design.